Brief history of instructional design infographic
Brief history of instructional design infographic

brief history of instructional design infographic

The Programmed Instruction Movement – Mid-1950s to Mid-1960s A large number of psychologists and educational researchers were summoned to develop training materials, as well as to apply their knowledge of evaluation to assess trainees’ skills.

brief history of instructional design infographic

Consequently, training programs which were based on the principles of learning, instruction and human behavior, began to be developed.

brief history of instructional design infographic

World War II, by virtue of its sheer scale and size needed a humungous amount of trained military men. Here is a brief history of how ID has changed over the years to take its present shape. It has been a slow process of evolution dating back to World War II – from where ID finds its roots. Like everything else, this drastic change in approach hasn’t been fast. “The field of instructional design (ID) incorporates a rapidly growing and changing array of learning strategies, tools, and approaches into training experiences that appeal to today’s workers while meeting their complex learning needs.” A 2015 research by ATD, titled ‘Instructional Design Now’, which is based on a survey of 1,120 instructional designers provides a current snapshot of ID in organizations and the challenges that they typically face. From ‘training’, which was merely considered a passive function in an organization, the emphasis has now shifted towards making learning and talent development an integral part of corporate culture. Instructional Design has come a long way.

Brief history of instructional design infographic